5.4.2  Manual porting
In the previous section we discuss migration using MTK. Sometime it is required 
to follow more personalized manual process to migrate database instead of the 
standard tool. For those few cases we describe manual conversion process, with 
a focus on converting MySQL objects and features which are not automatically 
converted by MTK.
In Section 5.1,  Data type mapping  on page 90
Section 5.2,  Data Definition 
Language differences  on page 95, we demonstrate syntax and semitic 
differences between MySQL and DB2 UDB, which can be used for manual 
conversion. We already talked about creation, deletion, and altering of various 
database objects like database, tables, index, views etc., and how they are 
mapped while converting from MySQL and DB2 UDB. The manual process 
involves following steps:
Capturing the database schema information from MySQL
MySQL offer a utility 
that extract the database structure and 
deposit it into a text file. The structure is represented in DDL, and can be used 
to recreate the database elements in DB2 UDB server. Syntax for 
is as shown below:
bash> mysqldump  u itso itsodb > mysqlobjects.ddl
If you are dumping very large database it is recommended to use 
  opt option. 
Without these options 
 loads whole result set into 
memory before dumping the result.
For further information on this utility refer MySQL Technical Reference.
Modify schema information for DB2 UDB
Now that you have captured the source MySQL database structure using 
 utility, it is time to modify schema information and make it work for 
DB2 UDB. These manual changes can be 
  DDL changes
First step in schema modification is the conversion of the create 
statement for various database objects like database, tables, views, 
indexes etc. Please refer Section 5.2,  Data Definition Language 
differences  on page 95 for these conversions. Also we need to write a 
DDL script for creating database and table space.
  Data type changes
Check the data type used in the table definition. Change the MySQL 
data type to DB2 UDB data type. Please refer Section 5.1,  Data type 
mapping  on page 90 for data type conversions.
  Reserved words conversion
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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