Each MySQL database is now represented by a DB2 UDB schema to hold the 
tables under that database. All the tables can be accessed by the application 
using single connection. The DBA only need to manage one database. 
DB2 UDB schema can be created using 
db2>create schema itsoschema1 authorization itsoschema1
The tables created in the particular schema can be accessed using the full table 
table schema.table name
Table placement
MySQL does not support table space for managing physical location and page 
size or distributing tables onto the different table spaces except for optional 
InnoDB which supports multiple table space distributed in different files. 
DB2 UDB supports table spaces to establish the relationship between the 
physical storage devices used by your database system and the logical 
containers used to store data. Table spaces reside in database partition groups. 
They allow you to assign the location of table data directly onto containers.
Before migration of database structure you should create a proper table space of 
different sizes in DB2 UDB, so that when you create tables they are placed into 
the table spaces which will give best performance.
List information
MySQL provides a 
 command to list the information about databases, tables, 
columns, or status information about the server.
DB2 UDB provide commands for getting the instances, database, table space, 
etc. information. The DB2 UDB system catalogues contain all the information 
about table, column, and index etc. You can use 
command to display 
table structure or use select statement to get the details of the table definition.
Table 5 2 shows examples of MySQL and corresponding DB2 UDB 
statements/commends to list database or table related information.
Table 5 2   MySQL to DB2 UDB conversion of list information statement
show databases
ist database directory
show table
select tabname from syscat.tables
show columns from tablename
describe select * from tablename
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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