bash>./configure   with berkeley db
mysql>create table itsobdb (i int ,f float ) type=bdb;
MyISAM table
MyISAM is the default table type in MySQL. It is based on the ISAM code, and 
supports crash recovery, concurrent insert, big files on operating 
system/filesystem that support big files, better indexing, and index 
compression and table compression.
MyISAM files are smaller than ISAM files, but it needs more CPU time for 
inserting and accessing data from compressed tables and indexes. 
MyISAM is a default MySQL table so it can be created either with specifying 
 or not specifying any type:
mysql>create table itsomyisam (i int ,f float );
ISAM table
ISAM is an older implementation of the MySQL tables, and is quite similar to 
MyISAM, and it is deprecated now. It allows compressed and fixed length 
keys, fixed and dynamic record length, machine/OS format data and max key 
length of 256. It can be created with the same create table statement with 
bash>create table itsoisam (i int ,f float ) type=isam;
DB2 UDB conversion of MySQL table types
In DB2 UDB all the tables take part in the transaction. So MySQL InnoDB, BDB, 
MyISAM and ISAM tables can all be converted to a DB2 UDB regular table. A 
DB2 UDB regular table is a general purpose table.
A regular table is created with the 
 statement and is used to hold 
persistent user data. 
Create table syntax
In this section we give you a high level overview of the difference in the create 
table syntax of MySQL and DB2 UDB. MySQL create table statements are quite 
simple with few exceptions. Example 5 2 shows the creating of MySQL InnoDB. 
Figure 5 3 shows the DB2 conversion, no major change required. 
Example 5 2   creating MySQL InnoDB table
mysql>create table itosinno(col1 int, col2 char(10)) type=InnoDB ;
Example 5 3   DB2 conversion of creating MySQL InnoDB table
db2>create table itsoinno(col1 int, col2 char(10))
 Chapter 5. Database porting 






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