This will remove all the database files (.BAK, .DAT, .HSH, .ISD,.ISM, .ISM, .MRG, 
.MYD,.MYI, .db, .frm) from your filesystem.
DB2 UDB has a similar command:
db2>drop database itsodb [at node]
This command deletes the database contents and all log files for the database, 
uncatalogs the database, and deletes the database subdirectory.
Alter database
alter database
 allows you to change the overall characteristics of a 
database. For example, the character set clause changes the database 
character set, and the collation clause changes the database collation. The basic 
syntax for altering the database is:
mysql>alter database itsodb CHARACTER SET charset_name COLLATE 
In DB2 UDB you can use
to set the database and database manager 
configuration parameters. Using this you can change a lot of configuration 
parameters like the log file size, log file path, heap size, cache size, etc. 
db2> update database manager configuration using diaglevel 3
db2> update database configuration for itsodb2 using logfilsiz 8
You can also change the physical and logical portioning by allocating the table 
space and paging for the database.
Table space
A table space is a storage structure containing tables, indexes, large objects, and 
long data. Table spaces reside in database partition groups. They allow you to 
assign the location of database and table data directly onto containers. DB2 UDB 
allows for two types of table spaces: System Managed Space (SMS), which is 
maintained by the system, and Data Managed Space (DMS), which is 
maintained by the DB2 UDB administrator.
The DB2 UDB database should have at least three table spaces:
One catalog table space, which contains system catalog tables
One or more user table space, which contains user defined tables
One or more temporary table space, which contains temporary tables
It can be created using:
db2> create regular tablespace itsodb8k pagesize 8192 managed by system 
using ( /home/itso/database/user8K ) extentsize 8 prefetchsize 8 bufferpool 
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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