A timestamp in MySQL is date time combination with range of 1970 01 01
00:00:00 to the year 2037. It automatically set to the date and time of the
most recent operation if you do not give it a valid value. This is same as
timestamp in DB2 UDB except for its range.
MySQL time represents a clock ranging from 838:59:59 to 838:59:59. It is
mapped to DB2 UDB time, which is a 24 hour clock.
A year in two or four digit format representing the year from 1901 to 2155.
It is mapped to SMALLINT in DB2.
String/character types
A fixed length string in MySQL is represented with the same name in DB2
UDB, It can be mapped to CHAR in DB2.
A variable length string is also same as DB2 UDB VARCHAR for its range,
which is 0 255 characters in MySQL and 0 32672 bytes in DB2.
MySQL tinyblob is a binary large object column with a maximum length of
255. This is mapped to DB2 BLOB(255).
MySQL tinytext is a character stream of maximum length 255. It is mapped
to DB2 CLOB(255).
MySQL blob is a binary data column with a maximum length of 65535.
This is mapped to DB2 BLOB(65K).
This is a text column with a maximum length of 65535 and is mapped to
DB2 CLOB(65K).
MySQL mediumblob is a blob column with a maximum length of
16777215. This can be mapped to DB2 BLOB(16M).
MySQL mediumtext is a text column with a maximum length of 16777215.
This can be mapped to DB2 CLOB(16M).
Chapter 5. Database porting
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