This is a medium size integer with a signed range of  8388608 to 
8388607. In DB2 UDB we use an integer instead of this.
An integer is 4 byte integer for both MySQL and DB2 UDB.
A big integer is an 8 byte integer for both MySQL and DB2 UDB.
A float in MySQL is single precision floating point number ranging from 
 3.402823466E+38 to  1.175494351E 38, 0, and 1.175494351E 38 to 
3.402823466E+38. Whereas in DB2 UDB it is a double precision 
floating point number ranging from  1.79769E+308 to  2.225E 307, or 
from 2.225E 307 to 1.79769E+308. So, a float in MySQL can directly be 
mapped to real or float in DB2 UDB.
A double is a double precision floating point number for both DB2 UDB 
and MySQL.
This is synonym for double in MySQL.
A decimal in MySQL is mapped to a decimal in DB2 UDB. Although 
MySQL and DB2 UDB implement decimals in a different way, externally 
they behave same.
Data and time type
A date in MySQL is mapped to DB2 UDB date and both use 4 bytes (first 
two for year, third for month, and last for day). The range of the MySQL 
date is year 1000 9999, whereas DB2 UDB supports date from 
0001 9999.
A date and time combination in MySQL is displayed as YYYY MM DD 
HH:MM:SS ranging from year 1000 to 9999. In DB2 UDB, the timestamp 
is used for a similar purpose, which is a seven part value (year, month, 
day, hour, minute, second, and microsecond). 
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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