Export MySQL user data
MySQL and DB2 UDB use different database security mechanisms. The 
database object access privileges are stored in the MySQL database. You need 
to understand what MySQL access rights your application has and how you can 
map them to DB2 UDB. Depending on your application you probably have to 
export user data from the MySQL database.
Map MySQL user data to DB2 user data
As in DB2 UDB users, access rights and privileges are maintained in a different 
way, you have to convert the MySQL user data to DB2 commands for granting 
privileges and using operation system's user ID management functions to create 
user ids.
In this step, you create scripts to create users and to grant them the DB2 UDB 
database and objects access privileges based on the MySQL user data.
Create DB2 user data
Once you have mapped your MySQL user data to DB2 user data, your users 
must be created in the DB2 UDB system and the necessary privileges must be 
granted to them.
The scripts with the DB2 commands for creating users and granting privileges 
should be run.
Export MySQL application data
You have to dump the application data out of the MySQL database. This step is 
supported by MTK or you can do it manually. Be aware of the differences in the 
format of 
 and other data types.
Convert MySQL application data to DB2 format
If your MySQL application supports data types that cannot be transformed by 
MTK automatically (like the 
 data type), you have to do this manually.
Import application data into DB2 UDB
The exported (and maybe converted) data must finally be loaded into the DB2 
UDB tables. MTK also supports this step, and of course data can be loaded into 
DB2 UDB manually.
Basic data checking
Once you have loaded all data into your database, you should do basic data 
checking. You should check for the correct number of rows per table and the 
correct representation of the field values.
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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