over the ODBC API, it requires an ODBC data source to be created for the DB2 
database that you are connecting to.
DB2 UDB supports Microsoft's ADO.NET programming interface through a 
native managed provider. High performing WinForm, WebForm, and mobile 
WebForm applications can be developed using the ADO.NET API. When used in 
conjunction with stored procedures and the federated database capabilities of 
DB2 UDB and DB2 Connect servers, this data access can be extended to 
include a wide variety of other data sources, including non DB2 mainframe data 
(such as VSAM, CICS  , IMS  ), Informix  Dynamic Server (IDS), Microsoft 
SQL Server, Sybase and Oracle databases as well as any data source that has 
an OLE DB Provider available. The IBM DB2 .NET Data Provider is native 
provider written in managed C# code to deliver high performing, secure access 
to DB2 data.
Perl DBI
DB2 supports the Perl Database Interface (DBI) specification for data access 
through the DBD::DB2 driver. The Perl DBI module uses an interface that is 
similar to the CLI and JDBC interfaces, which makes it easy to port Perl 
prototypes to CLI and JDBC. More information according Perl DBI can be found 
http://www 306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/perl/
1.2  MySQL database
MySQL is a common Open Source SQL database management system. It is 
developed and distributed by MySQL AB ( 
), a company, 
which builds its business by providing services around MySQL.
MySQL first was developed for UNIX and Linux applications. It became popular 
when Internet Service Provider (ISV) discovered that MySQL could be offered 
free of charge to their Internet customers providing all storage and retrieval 
functionality a dynamic Web application needs. It was also advantageous that 
ISVs mostly use Linux or UNIX in combination with APACHE as their favorite 
Web server environment. However, MySQL nowadays also is in use as 
integrated database or embedded database in various applications on almost 
every platform architecture. 
MySQL to DB2 UDB Conversion Guide






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