Solutions to Classful IP Addressing Practice Exercises
1 Complete the following table which provides practice in converting a
number from binary notation to decimal format.
2 Complete the following table which provides practice in converting a number
from decimal notation to binary format. 
3 Express in binary format and identify the classful prefix length:
10010001.00100000.00111011.00011000 /16 or Class B
4 Express in binary format and identify the classful prefix
11001000.00101010.10000001.00010000 /24 or Class C
5 Express in binary format and identify the classful prefix length:
00001110.01010010. 00010011.00110110 /8 or Class A
U N D E R S TA N D I N G   I P   A D D R E S S I N G
5 8






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