VLSM Example
An organization has been assigned the network number
and it plans to deploy VLSM. Figure 21 provides a graphic display of
the VLSM design for the organization. 
F I G U R E   2 1 .   A d d re s s   S t r a t e g y   f o r   V L S M   E x a m p l e
The first step of the subnetting process divides the base network
address into 16 equally sized address blocks. Then Subnet #1 is divided
into 32 equally sized address blocks and Subnet #14 is divided into 16
equally sized address blocks. Finally, Subnet #14 14 is divided into
eight equally sized address blocks. 
Define the 16 Subnets of
The first step in the subnetting process divides the base network
address into 16 equally sized address blocks, as illustrated in Figure 22. 
F I G U R E   2 2 .   S i x t e e n   S u b n e t s   f o r   1 4 0 . 2 5 . 0 . 0 / 1 6
Since 16 = 24, four bits are required to identify each of the 16 subnets.
This means that the organization needs four more bits, or a /20, in the
extended network prefix to define the 16 subnets of
Each of these subnets represents a contiguous block of 212 (or 4,096)
network addresses. 
U N D E R S TA N D I N G   I P   A D D R E S S I N G
2 6






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