EEPP Program Support Unit 
EPF Operating Manual   General Principles 
project type, the PAF is a project document which may include some or all of the following 
major documents: i) a baseline study describing the existing environmental situation; ii) list 
of expected environmental impacts of the project; iii) names and experience of the project's 
organization and administration set up; iv) a feasibility study; v) an environmental impact 
assessment (according to Law 4/1994); vi) the project study; vii) implementation plan or time 
schedule, and viii) an estimated budget and approved project budget (in the case of existing 
Project Information Form Screening 
PIFs submitted by applicants are reviewed by the Fund staff to check completeness.  
Incomplete PIFs are returned to the applicant if there is missing information or the 
information provided is insufficient to enable the Fund to check whether the PIF meets 
established screening criteria. 
Upon completion of PIF screening, the Fund takes a decision on the PIF and is not required to 
obtain FMC concurrence.  The Fund should report to the FMC at its regular meetings on the 
status of PIF evaluations. The PIF screening criteria are as follows: 
The applicant must demonstrate that the proposed project addresses one or more of the 
environmental priorities established by the Fund for the current project cycle; 
The applicant s institution must satisfy the eligibility requirements;  
In the case of applications for grants, potential projects must be non investment projects; 
Applicant must demonstrate ability to co finance the minimum share of project costs.  
Any PIF meeting the minimum standard for all criteria will receive a favorable evaluation. 
The applicant is subsequently invited to submit the PAF (Annex 6 provides an example of the 
acceptance letter).  If the applicant submitted the PIF and PAF together, he will be notified 
that the PAF is under review. 
If the PIF does not meet one or more of the screening criteria, the PIF is rejected.  The Fund 
notifies the applicant in writing of the rejection and summarizes the basis for the rejection 
(Annex 5 provides an example of the rejection letter).  If the PAF has been submitted with the 
PIF, it will be returned to the applicant, since resubmission of the PIF will require changes to 
the PAF.  The applicant may revise and resubmit the PIF to address the weakness noted by 
the Fund.  
The time period between the Fund s dead line for receipt of a properly completed PIF and the 
date that notification letters are mailed to both successful and unsuccessful applicants is 
specified in the Annual Operating Plan.   
Once the PIF has been approved, the Fund will conduct a complete investigation about the 
applicant and his legal structure.  
Project Application Form Appraisal 
After the PAF has been prepared, the applicant submits two copies to the Fund.  Upon 
receipt, the Fund will check the application for completeness and contact the applicant if the 






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