EEPP Program Support Unit 
EPF Operating Manual   General Principles 
General Guidelines 
Terms and conditions for disbursements may vary from year to year depending on the 
availability of funds and environmental priorities.  Specific terms and conditions for the 
annual project cycle are enumerated in the Annual Operating Plan (Annex 10). 
The EPF will consider the following general guidelines in developing disbursement terms and 
conditions in the Annual Operating Plan: 
Establish the share of EPF expenditures to be allocated for each disbursement mechanism 
in the Competitive Projects Program  
Establish the applicant profile for each disbursement mechanism 
Establish the project profile for each disbursement mechanism 
Establish eligibility criteria for each mechanism 
Establish the limits on EPF support for each project and disbursement mechanism 
Establish the priorities for each disbursement mechanism 
Establish terms and conditions for payment (if applicable) 
Establish application and processing procedures 
Cooperation with banks   All disbursement mechanisms will be implemented in cooperation 
with banks.  Any bank operating in Egypt may be a candidate for becoming an 
implementation partner of the EPF's.  The role of banks acting as EPF implementation 
partners is defined in the following points: 
Provide checking on the applicants based on the specific Bank's involvement in the 
project or on the request of EPF, 
Provide financial analysis and evaluation of projects where the banks expect to take a 
financial role in support of the project. 
Provide financial support per agreement with EPF, as determined by the type of 
disbursement mechanism and its associated financing package. 
Assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the supported projects and report findings to 
the EPF. 
The Fund supports priority non investment projects as defined in the Annual Operating Plan  
through grants.  There is no requirement for repayment and the Fund covers up to 80% of 
project costs, with the applicant's own resources (including other sources of external project 
funding) accounting for 20% or more of project costs. 
Specific guidelines for establishing the grants program are as follows:  
Establish the total amount of EPF expenditures available for the grants portion of the 
Competitive Projects Program 






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