EEPP Program Support Unit 
EPF Operating Manual   General Principles 
Reviewing all quarterly follow up and progress reports and the Fund's financial position.    
Approving allowable expenses that may be supported by EPF resources as enumerated in 
Article 8 of the executive regulations of Law 4/1994. 
The procedure for forwarding proposals for acknowledgement, authorization, acceptance and 
approval is described in the EPF Administrative Procedures Manual. 
The Chief Executive Officer of the EEAA (CEO) is the Chairman of the FMC. The CEO's 
tasks include: 
Calling the FMC to convene.  
Taking urgent decisions for managing the Fund provided that those decisions are 
presented to FMC at its following meeting for consideration and approval. 
Implementation of duties entrusted to him by the FMC. 
The FMC Chair may delegate some of the above responsibilities to the Fund Manager.  
4.4.6  The procedures for carrying out the second and third tasks above are described in the 
EPF Administrative Procedures Manual. 
External Governmental Relations 
The Environmental Protection Fund co operates with two Ministries: 
The Ministry of Finance approves the Fund's annual budget and approves recurrent 
expenditures that exceed the estimated budget.  
The Ministry of Planning approves the Environmental Protection Fund's investment 
External government relations are shown in figure 2. 
External Relations with Applicants and Those Tendering Offers 
All public, private and non profit sectors and groups carrying out projects in the field of 
environmental protection and development may apply for financial support from the EPF.  
The specific forms of interactions between the EPF and these groups, including the process 
for submitting applications or tendered proposals, communications, and implementation of 
EPF funded projects, are described in Section 6 of this Manual and in the Annual Operating 
Plan (Annex 10).   
External Relations with the Financial Sector 
The EPF plans to cooperate with Egyptian banks in providing loans for investment projects.  
Generally, this cooperation will involve one of three forms: commercial loans with interest 
rate subsidies provided by the EPF,  soft  loans provided by the EPF, with Banks assisting 
with appraisal and management, or loan guarantees provided by the EPF for commercial 






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