Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute.
17.3 Sending Data with GET and Processing the Results Directly
most CGI programs are already set up to return HTML documents. How 
ever, if you are developing both the client and the server sides of the process,
it seems a bit wasteful to always send back an entire HTML document; in
some cases, it would be nice to simply return data to an applet that is already
running. The applet could then present the data in a graph or some other
custom display. This approach is sometimes known as HTTP tunneling since a
custom communication protocol is embedded within HTTP: proxies, encryp 
tion, server redirection, connections through firewalls, and all.
There are two main variations to this approach. Both make use of the 
 class to open an input stream from a URL. The difference lies in
the type of stream they use. The first option is to use a 
 or some other low level stream that lets you read binary or ASCII
data from an arbitrary server side program. That approach is covered in the
first subsection. The second option is to use an 
directly read high level data structures. That approach, covered in the second
subsection, is available only when the server side program is also written in
the Java programming language.
Reading Binary or ASCII Data
An applet can read the content sent by the server by first creating a 
 derived from the URL of the server side program and then attach 
ing a 
 to it. Seven main steps are required to
implement this approach on the client, as described below. I'm omitting the
server side code since the client code described here works with arbitrary
server side programs or static Web pages. 
Note that many of the stream operations throw an 
, so the
following statements need to be enclosed in a 
1. Create a 
 object referring to applet's home host. You 
can pass an absolute URL string to the 
 constructor (e.g., 
), but since browser security restrictions 
prohibit connections from applets to machines other than the 
home server, it makes more sense to build a URL based upon 
the hostname from which the applet was loaded. 
URL currentPage = getCodeBase();
String protocol = currentPage.getProtocol();
String host = currentPage.getHost();
int port = currentPage.getPort();
String urlSuffix = "/servlet/SomeServlet";
URL dataURL = new URL(protocol, host, port, urlSuffix);
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