Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute.
he JavaBeans API provides a standard format for Java classes. Visual
manipulation tools and other programs can automatically discover
information about classes that follow this format and can then create
and manipulate the classes without the user having to explicitly write any code.
Full coverage of JavaBeans is beyond the scope of this book. If you want
details, pick up one of the many books on the subject or see the documen
tation and tutorials at
. For the pur
poses of this chapter, all you need to know about beans are three simple
1. A bean class must have a zero argument (empty) con
structor. You can satisfy this requirement either by explicitly
defining such a constructor or by omitting all constructors, which
results in an empty constructor being created automatically. The
empty constructor will be called when JSP elements create beans.
2. A bean class should have no public instance variables
(fields). I hope you already follow this practice and use accessor
methods instead of allowing direct access to the instance vari
ables. Use of accessor methods lets you impose constraints on
variable values (e.g., have the
method of your
class disallow negative speeds), allows you to change your inter
nal data structures without changing the class interface (e.g.,
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