Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute.
Chapter 4 Handling the Client Request: HTTP Request Headers
1. Check whether there is an 
 header. If there is 
no such header, go to Step 2. If there is, skip over the word 
 basic  and reverse the base64 encoding of the remaining part. 
This results in a string of the form 
. Check 
the username and password against some stored set. If it 
matches, return the page. If not, go to Step 2.
2. Return a 401 (
) response code and a header of 
the following form:
WWW Authenticate: BASIC realm="some name"
This response instructs the browser to pop up a dialog box tell 
ing the user to enter a name and password for 
some name
, then 
to reconnect with that username and password embedded in a 
single base64 string inside the 
If you care about the details, base64 encoding is explained in RFC 1521
(remember, to retrieve RFCs, start at 
get a current list of the RFC archive sites). However, there are probably
only two things you need to know about it. First, it is not intended to pro 
vide security, as the encoding can be easily reversed. So, it does not obviate
the need for SSL to thwart attackers who might be able to snoop on your
network connection (no easy task unless they are on your local subnet).
SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is a variation of HTTP where the entire
stream is encrypted. It is supported by many commercial servers and is
generally invoked by using 
 in the URL instead of 
. Servlets can
run on SSL servers just as easily as on standard servers, and the encryption
and decryption is handled transparently before the servlets are invoked.
The second point you should know about base64 encoding is that Sun pro 
vides the 
 class, distributed with both JDK 1.1
and 1.2, to decode strings that were encoded with base64. Just be aware
that classes in the 
 package hierarchy are not part of the official lan 
guage specification, and thus are not guaranteed to appear in all implemen 
Second edition of this book:; Sequel:
Servlet and JSP training courses by book's author:






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