Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute.
Chapter 3 Handling the Client Request: Form Data
Listing 3.6 (continued)

\n" +
       "Programming Languages" +
       "\n" +
       makeList(languages) + "

\n" +
       "Skills and Experience" +

\n" +
       skills + "\n" +
  // Builds a cascading style sheet with information
  // on three levels of headings and overall
  // foreground and background cover. Also tells
  // Internet Explorer to change color of mailto link
  // when mouse moves over it.
  private String makeStyleSheet(String headingFont,
                                int heading1Size,
                                String bodyFont,
                                int bodySize,
                                String fgColor,
                                String bgColor) {
    int heading2Size = heading1Size*7/10;
    int heading3Size = heading1Size*6/10;
    String styleSheet =