Prentice Hall and Sun Microsystems. Personal use only; do not redistribute.
Chapter 2 First Servlets
Compiling and Installing the Servlet
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that your server is configured
properly and that your 
 refers to the JAR files containing the stan 
dard servlet classes. Please refer to Section 1.5 (Installation and Setup) for an
explanation of this process.
The next step is to decide where to put the servlet classes. This location
varies from server to server, so refer to your Web server documentation for
definitive directions. However, there are some moderately common conven 
tions. Most servers have three distinct locations for servlet classes, as detailed
1. A directory for frequently changing servlet classes. 
Servlets in this directory are automatically reloaded when 
their class file changes, so you should use this directory during 
vailble at  cat T
development. For example, this is normally 
 with Sun's Java Web Server and 
IBM's WebSphere and 
omcat are a
 for BEA WebLogic, although most servers let the 
or T /Apache Tm
server administrator specify a different location. Neither 
Tomcat nor the JSWDK support automatic servlet reloading. 
ons f
Nevertheless, they still have a similar directory in which to 
place servlets; you just have to stop and restart the mini server 
each time you change an existing servlet. With Tomcat 3.0,
place servlets in 
install_dir/webpages/WEB INF/classes
With the JSWDK 1.0.1, use 
TE: Updated di
install_dir/webpages/WEB INF/servlets
NO http://ww
2. A directory for infrequently changing servlet classes. 
Servlets placed in this location are slightly more efficient since 
the server doesn't have to keep checking their modification 
dates. However, changes to class files in this directory require 
you to restart the server. This option (or Option 3 below) is the 
one to use for  production  servlets deployed to a high volume 
site. This directory is usually something like 
, which is the default name with Tom 
cat, the JSWDK, and the Java Web Server. Since Tomcat and 
the JSWDK do not support automatic servlet reloading, this 
directory works the same as the one described in Option 1, so 
most developers stick with that previous option.
Second edition of this book:; Sequel:
Servlet and JSP training courses by book's author:






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