Sound & Multimedia
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 Sound & Multimedia
Do you know that Version 1.3 of the JavaTM 2 Platform 
includes  a powerful new API for capturing, processing, and 
playing back audio and MIDI (Musical Intstrument Digital Interface) data. 
You can read here more:
I m doing a small console java app, and want to know what the function is to
make the pc speaker beep....
Answer: Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep();
Q: I would like to burn a CD from within my code, that way I won t have to waste
so much time making illegal copies of music. Is there a convenient way to do this in
Answer: Unfortunately Java doesn t provide any API for this : )
 Q: I use System.out.println("\007") to make a beep. It works fine with java.exe
version 2.2.2_007, but doesn t work when I use javaw.
It s said that java and javaw are exactly the same but apparently they have some
How I can use System.out.println("\007") to make a beep with javaw?
Answer: System.out.println sends a character to the standard output stream, which is
redirected to nowhere when you use javaw. Same would happen if you ran your
application under UNIX and redirected standard out to /dev/null. I d guess that your
code wouldn t work at all on a Macintosh.
To solve this problem, do what you need more directly, for example using
java.awt.Toolkit.beep instead of a non portable kludge with sending special ASCII
codes to an output stream.
Chris Smith
 Q: Just wondering if Java has classes and methods supporting joysticks? Is
there any sample code working with joysticks some where?
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