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Operational Systems & Java
Is anyone aware of any way to determine OS type, version...
Answer: There is in the java.lang.System
try first:
Properties p = System.getProperties();
to see what properties you can get(CPU among others)..
you then can:
String prop = System.getProperty("aproperty(the CPU among other)");
Does anyone know if there is an easy way to invoke UNIX shell scripts from a
Java application.
Answer: There is!
execute a shell and then write the name of the shell script on the shells stdin stream.
Process child = rtime.exec("/bin/bash");
BufferedWriter outWriter = new BufferedWriter(new
Is there a way to differentiate the enter key on the main keyboard from the enter
key on the keypad?
Answer: I don t think so, they re both represented by the character code 10.
Is there any way to manage Systray Icons with Java? I didn t even find anything in
the Microsoft packages...
Answer: You must create a C/C++ program that call directly the
NotifyIcon API to display/manage the Icon in the Systray. Then
call the program from Java with JNI.
Currently I m running two operating systems on one machine, Windows 2000 and
Windows ME...
file:///F|/a_jsite/350_tips/os_win_linux.htm (1 of 8) [2001 07 08 11:24:58]
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