Miscellaneous I
Answer: NO!. Each invocation of the  java  command creates a new and separate
JVM, at least in those JVMs based on the Sun code, and getting them to
cooperate on a shared Java task is not automatic, and definitely non trivial.
 I am totally confused about the differences between the SDK, JDK and IDE
I am brand new to the world of Java and am most interested in learning the
language. However, I am confused about the differences between the SDK, JDK and
IDE products. I have gone to the Sun site and even some of the IDE vendor sites and
I have yet to find something that tells me what the differences are between the three
and which of the three I need to program in Java.
I want to program using some form of IDE but do I need to separately download and
install a SDK and/or JDK? Sun needs to improve their documentation for us new to
the Java environment.
Answer1: IDE is an acronym for _I_ntegrated _D_evelopment _E_nvironment. These
products are the one stop shops for coding, running and debugging your code. Often
these will include GUI based drag and drop form designers and "wizards" for the
shells of common forms of code (Application, Applet, etc.) JBuilder is an IDE.
The IDE may stand on its own, or it may act as a front end for a JDK.
JDK is _J_ava _D_esign _K_it. A JDK is a command line based interface to the JVM,
plus the classes. You are responsible for your own editors, creating code for GUI
elements, and all code. All of the IDE s I have reviewed personally come with JDK or
their own vendor s equivalent (JVM and class libraries). Some IDE s are capable of a
sort of "upgrading" by downloading the latest JDK from Sun (JBuilder for example). 
Answer2: If you want to write a Java program using any editor and not an IDE then
you would want to download the JDK. It will let you compile and run Java programs
from the command line (like a DOS window). 
JDK stands for Java Development Kit and SDK stands for Standard Development
Java comes in three versions   Standard, Enterprise, and Micro editions. JDK could
be any one of the three. SDK is the standard one   this is the one most people use. If
you want an IDE they typically come with a JDK so all you would need to do there is
download the IDE and start using it.
How does a java application stored within a jar file reference/edit/read other files (
like .txt, or data files,) that are also within the jar file?
Answer: Classes located in a JAR archive are loaded via a class loader whose
purpose is to load classes form JAR archives. This ClassLoader implements the
getResource and getResourceAsStream methods to retrieve files from the JAR file.
So you can take any class from the JAR and say
ClassName.class.getClassLoader().getResource("fname"); to get the resource and
use it.
I want to keep my java GUI always on the top of any other desktop application.
Any idea?
I want to keep my java GUI always on the top of any other desktop application. Any
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