Miscellaneous I
Visual J++ added some extensions to the pure Java language that you can easily
The latest version of Visual J++ is 6.0. It supports JDK 1.1.
In order to use JDK 1.2, JDK 1.3, or beyond you must follow the procedure below:
Modify the CLASSPATH in the registry. Run RegEdit.exe and locate the
following key:
and modify the CLASSPATH string to include the rt.jar file from you JDK
distribution. For example:
c:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3\lib\rt.jar
needs to be added to the end of the CLASSPATH string, and don t forget the
semi colon separating each entry in the string. Also note the "." at the end of the
Roger L. Cauvin
How to set the default memory limit of java virtual machine in a java application?
Answer1: java Xms16m Xmx32m MainClassName
here: Xms16m => 16meg initial memory allocation
Xmx32m => 32meg max memory allocation
Answer2:Run your Java program with mx switch like this:
java mx128m ClassName
This for example will set maximum memory allocation pool to 128MB
Do the classes in java.util.zip handle password encrypted zip files? I ve looked
through the API, and I don t see any mention of it.
Answer: No, they don t. But Zip s built in encryption isn t safe anyway by today s
How do I make java apllication instalable? Q: I have written a Java application
and have the .class files in one location. How do I make it installable? Is it possible to
convert it to an executable file?
Answer1: just create a batchfile or a .sc file (if on unix)
Answer2: Or check
They have special edition for Java which lets to write additional interface for
configuring of program parameters during instalation.
I need to know how to run Multiple JVMs on one machine. As far as I know if
I run 2 different Java Programs on one machine at the same time, both of
these programs use the SAME JVM. Is this statement right?
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