Miscellaneous I
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Miscellaneous I
Q: What is the difference between Java and Microsoft Visual J++? Is there any
specific difference? Please explain me I am novice to this field
Answer: VJ++ was designed as a "spoiler" product Microsoft created some
deliberate subtle incompatibilities so that when people wrote VJ++ code it would only
run on Windows. This is not my opinion. This came out in evidence in Microsofts trial
for anti competitive behavior.
In email they said things like they were going to "pollute" Java, and "piss on" the
Swing libraries.
Some of the incompatibilities were in removing some standard fields from the system
libraries. Others were adding some fields. They also added some differences to the
language itself, in the way event
handlers were registered.
When Sun found out about Microsoft s attempt at sabotage, they cut off all code
deliveries to Microsoft, and sued Microsoft. That lawsuit just ended with the payment
of $20M by Microsoft to Sun.
So Microsoft VJ++ is several releases out of date, and does not have many of the
most important libraries, such as RMI and beans.
Bottom line: even though it has a nice GUI IDE, if you want to program in Java, you
are better off avoiding VJ++, and using any of the free IDEs mentioned in the Java
by Peter van der Linden
P.S by John: please read second part of this tip tomorrow and you will see you can
use it with JDK1.3!
Q: What is the difference between Java and Microsoft Visual J++? Is there any
specific difference? Please explain me I am novice to this field Part2
Answer 2: Microsoft Visual J++ is a Java IDE for editing, compiling, and debugging
Java source code. It also provides GUI editing tools that generate code for you you.
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