Job, fun, other...
that time is on your side. Your patience will win in the end.
by RyanDecker
Answer 2: Try with different government institutes (i.e. local, municipal, federal) when
you are first starting out. Usually the more experienced programmers in the
government go to the private industries after a few years and the government is
looking for people to replace the ones who have left and this is usually a good place
to start.
I hope this helps. Good luck in your search.
Q: I would like to know if the small programs that are attached in mail (like the
small games for example) are usually coded in java or in any other language?
Answer: Usually not. Usually they re viruses.
Nils O. SelAsdal
Q: An ordinary guy of ordinary intelligence, with some experience of html, do I
stand a chance of learning java or do I need to be of an above average genius.
Any feedback would be welcome!
Answer: Java is extremely easy to learn...but will take a lifetime to be a master.
Intelligence is not an issue.
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All questions please
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