Job, fun, other...
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Job, fun, other...
Q: Hi, I am learning java and hoping to take the certification test this april. How
important is it to gain this certification? And would employers be interested?
1. Look at the job ads... do they ask for it?
2. If you are an interviewer with two identical candidates, but one had this. Who
would you employ?
Q: ...However I am having a difficult time finding a job.
I have been studying Java since November and passed the SCJP a few weeks ago.
However I am having a difficult time finding a job. I have found that most of the
positions require a good deal of experience first. Also, even the entry level positions
have not responded to my resume.
Two questions:
Any ideas on how I can make it look better?
and even more importantly,
What should I begin learning next?
(There are so many advanced concepts, JavaBeans, Swing, JSP, EJB etc...that I am
a little lost)
Answer 1: I graduated with a bachelor s degree in college just a few
months ago and I am currently working for a company that uses
Java quite heavily. I was lucky that I got onto the staff that I
am, but it wasn t all luck. Companies are looking for people who
can not only program, but also communicate well and find the
answers to questions on their own. Personally, if I were an
employer that saw you completed the tests on your own, that
would tell me that you have self motivation and the yearn to
learn: a definite plus considering how fast technology changes.
Bottom line is this: getting a job is tough, no matter what
level experience you have. The main thing to keep in mind is
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