Graphics, AWT, Swing II part
MouseEvent e;
if ((e.getModifiers() & e.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0)
{ // code for left button click }
and just so you know,
InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK is the middle or scroller button
InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK is the right button in windows
by MSW
 Q: How do I count the width in pixels of the text before drawing them into
I have the Font and the String and I am using them in an applet:
How do I count the width in pixels of the text before drawing them into graphics?
Answer: import java.awt.*;
Toolkit tk = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
FontMetrics fm = tk.getFontMetrics(new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10));
int width = fm.stringWidth("Your String");
 Q: If I do (CustomFrame extends Frame) smth. like this:
Frame newFrame = new CustomFrame();
what are the advantages of doing this over:
CustomFrame newFrame = new CustomFrame();
There is one difference.
If the reference is a Frame type you can always downcast it, but not if it
is a CustomFrame type.
Might be nice sometimes.
Soren   Disky   Reinke 
 Q: I want to know what is the difference between JScrollPane and
both same or not..?
Answer: No. A JScrollPane is a container for components which can grow larger than
the visible area that can be displayed (i.e., a JTable or a JTree, for example). When
you place a component like these into a JScrollPane then the visible area is
displayed and appropriate scrollbars presented to allow scrolling to non visible
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