General Java Questions III
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 General Java Questions III
Q: I propose that Java should allow multiple inheritance if...
Everyone knows the potential problem with multiple inheritance is when you run into
the problem of having two instances of a grand parent super class.
For example:
class A extends D {int i; }
class B extends D {int i; }
class C extends A,B {}
Potentially, you could have two copies of D for each instance of C.
However, I propose that Java should allow multiple inheritance if there are no
instance variables associated with the abstracts that the base class is extending.
abstract class A { public setX(); public setY(); public setAll() {setX (); setY(); }
abstract class B { public setC(); public setD(); public setBoth()
{setC(); setD(); }
class C extends A,B {}
You won t have two instances of some grandfather class, since A and B doesn t have
instances variables.
I hope the next versions of Java explores this issue.
Answer: It does. They re called interfaces:
interface A { public void setX(); public void setY(); public void setAll(); }
interface B { public void setC(); public void setD(); public void setBoth(); }
interface C extends A,B {};
public abstract class D implements C {
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