General Java Questions I
returns an Enumeration will actually be returning an inner class that implements
(and therefore defining hasMoreElements and nextElement in a manner that is
specific to traversing a Hashtable).
If this doesn t help, maybe you could clear up what you mean by Enumeration having
defined methods.
Q: can anyone provide an example on how to use clone() and clonable interface?
//Class Point uses default clone implementation that returns
//shallow copy of Point (which is sufficient in this case).
class Point implements Cloneable {
int x, y;
class ImmutableRectangle {
private Point lowerLeft = new Point();
private Point upperRight = new Point();
public Point getLowerLeftPoint() {
try {
return lowerLeft.clone();
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e) {
//shouldn t occur since Point is cloneable
throw new InternalError();
we don t want Rectangle points to be changed outside its class. the best
way would be to create a copy of Point object and pass it.
MVP for Java 2
Q: Why does not switch work properly?
From Thinking In Java, chapter 7,
// ...
switch((int)(Math.random() * 3)) {
case 0: return new Circle();
case 1: return new Square();
case 2: return new Triangle();
// ...
How does this switch work??? why is default preceding all other cases?
What I think, this should always return case 0, but still, it properly
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