Distributed systems
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Distributed systems
Q: Has anyone ever tried anything like this or am I asking for trouble trying to
write a program like this?....
I plan to use JBuilder to create a Java GUI that will use Perl to invoke system calls.
The GUI will be run in Windows(NT) while the system calls will be invoked in Unix.
Answer: Sure, why not? Seems to me it should be quite doable. Use Java code to
build the GUI and
cross the network (for instance using RMI), then invoke the Perl interpreter as an
external process, or possibly use JPerl (see
http://www.perl.com/CPAN local/authors/id/S/SB/SBALA/
) from there. Or use a
different distributed objects architecture to connect Java and Perl objects over the
About serialization...
If I have a class that implements the Serializable interface, but it has member
variables which reference objects that do not implement the Serializable interface, it
appears that I can t serialize an instance of the class. I keep getting:
for one of the objects referenced by a member variable.
Am I correct, or am I just missing something. Also, if anyone knows a work around to
serialize non serializable objects, I d like to hear about it. Unfortunately, I have no
control over the classes I m trying to serialize, so I tried putting a serializable wrapper
around them , but that didn t work.
Answer: Do you really need to serialize those members of your class which aren t
serializable? In other words, make them private:
class Foo implements Serializable {
private Bar bar;
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