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I ve got problems with the Socket class (network)
I ve got problems with the Socket class. I use it inside an applet (I ve
written a small chatbox). I have code like this:
Socket s = new Socket("", 13780);
When the server I m connecting to is on the same machine as the client, it works. 
When the server is an other machine, both NS and IE give an error message like:
Security:Can t connect to with origin   
Does anyone know how I can fix this??
Answer: The standard security concept for an applet is the  sandbox . An applet can t talk 
outside it s memory space, can t talk to any files at all, and cannot talk to 
anything on the internet except the same machine that it s  parent  
HTML page originated from. So your applet can never talk to 
unless the HTML came from
How do I view the error output from my Java applets in IE?
Answer: The file windows\Java\Javalog.txt contains info about the last Applet loaded in IE. 
All the System.out messages and exception information is stored here when Java Logging 
is enabled in IE. To enable Java Logging start IE and select View/Options/Advanced. 
Select "Enable Java Logging" check box click OK. Restart IE. 
In NT4 the file  in C:\WINNT\Java
Is there a way to reduce the amount of time that it takes to download an applet?
Answer: There is a way to reduce the amount of time an applet takes to download. What ever classes
the Java applet is refering, you cluster them in a JAR file with the help of JAR utility that comes with
the JDK version. Check out the help for the options of that utility and make a ".jar" file out of the
applets refered classes and images and other relevent data which you want to load. 
Use the archive option of the applet tag and assign the .jar file: 
file:///F|/a_jsite/350_tips/applets.htm (1 of 9) [2001 07 08 11:24:47]






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