20.5 The Class
Here is the whole set! a character dead at every word.
 Richard Brinsley Sheridan,
The School for Scandal
, Act 2, scene 2
Objects of type
 represent primitive values of type
public final class Character
public static final char MIN_VALUE =  \u0000 ;
public static final char MAX_VALUE =  \uffff ;
public static final int MIN_RADIX = 2;
public static final int MAX_RADIX = 36;
public Character(char value);
public String toString();
public boolean equals(Object obj);
public int hashCode();
public char charValue();
public static boolean isDefined(char ch);
public static boolean isLowerCase(char ch);
public static boolean isUpperCase(char ch);
public static boolean isTitleCase(char ch);
public static boolean isDigit(char ch);
public static boolean isLetter(char ch);
public static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char ch);
public static boolean isJavaLetter(char ch);
public static boolean isJavaLetterOrDigit(char ch);
public static boolean isSpace(char ch);
public static char toLowerCase(char ch);
public static char toUpperCase(char ch);
public static char toTitleCase(char ch);
public static int digit(char ch, int radix);
public static char forDigit(int digit, int radix);
Many of the methods of class
 are defined in terms of a  Unicode
attribute table  that specifies a name for every defined Unicode character as well
as other possible attributes, such as a decimal value, an uppercase equivalent, a
lowercase equivalent, and/or a titlecase equivalent. Prior to Java 1.1, these meth 
ods were internal to the Java compiler and based on Unicode 1.1.5, as described
here. The most recent versions of these methods should be used in Java compilers
that are to run on Java systems that do not yet include these methods.
The Unicode 1.1.5 attribute table is available on the World Wide Web as: 1.1.5.txt






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