documentation comment processor can easily marshal into standard typographical
formats for purposes of presentation and cross reference.
Different kinds of tagged paragraphs are available for class and interface dec 
larations and for method, field, and constructor declarations.
18.4.1   The
The following are examples of
 paragraphs, which may be used in any docu 
mentation comment to indicate a cross reference to a class, interface, method,
constructor, field, or URL:
@see java.lang.String
@see String
@see String#equals
@see java.lang.Object#wait(int)
@see, String)
@see Character#MAX_RADIX
@see Java Spec
The character
 separates the name of a class from the name of one of its fields,
methods, or constructors. One of several overloaded methods or constructors may
be selected by including a parenthesized list of argument types after the method or
constructor name.
A documentation comment may contain more than one
18.4.2   The
The following are examples of
 taglines, which may be used in documen 
tation comments for class and interface declarations:
@author Mary Wollstonecraft
@author Hildegard von Bingen
@author Dorothy Parker
The information in an
 paragraph has no special internal structure.
A documentation comment may contain more than one
 tag. Alterna 
tively, a single
 paragraph may mention several authors:
@author Jack Kent, Peggy Parish, Crockett Johnson,
James Marshall, Marjorie Weinman Sharmat,
Robert McCloskey, and Madeleine L Engle
However, we recommend specifying one author per
 paragraph, which
allows the documentation processing tool to provide the correct punctuation in all






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