Documentation Comments
The view that documentation is something that is
added to a program after it has been commissioned
seems to be wrong in principle, and counterproductive in practice.
Instead, documentation must be regarded as an
integral part of the process of design and coding.
 C. A. R. Hoare
Hints on Programming Language Design
AVA programs can include documentation in their source code, in special doc 
umentation comments ( 3.7). Such comments can appear before each class or
interface declaration and before each method, constructor, or field declaration.
Hypertext web pages can then be produced automatically from the source code of
the program and these documentation comments.
This chapter gives an informal description of documentation comments. A
complete formal specification would require a detailed description of those parts
of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) that can be used within the docu 
mentation comments, which is beyond the scope of this specification.
18.1   The Text of a Documentation Comment
The text of a documentation comment consists of the characters between the
that begins the comment and the
 that ends it. The text is divided into one or
more lines. On each of these lines, leading
 characters are ignored; for lines other
than the first, blanks and tabs preceding the initial
 characters are also discarded.
So, for example, in the comment:
** Initialize to pre trial defaults.






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