The Form of a Java Binary
Moving a method upward in the class hierarchy, provided a forwarding
method is left in its place.
Reordering the list of direct superinterfaces of a class or interface.
Inserting new class or interface types in the type hierarchy.
This chapter specifies minimum standards for binary compatibility guaranteed
by all Java implementations. Java guarantees compatibility when binaries of
classes and interfaces are mixed that are not known to be from compatible
sources, but whose sources have been modified in the compatible ways described
We encourage Java development systems to provide facilities that alert devel
opers to the impact of changes on pre existing binaries that cannot be recompiled.
This chapter first specifies some properties that any Java binary format must
have ( 13.1). It next defines binary compatibility, explaining what it is and what it
is not ( 13.2). It finally enumerates a large set of possible changes to packages
( 13.3), classes ( 13.4) and interfaces ( 13.5), specifying which changes are
guaranteed to preserve binary compatibility and which are not.
13.1 The Form of a Java Binary
While many Java binary files are likely to be in exactly the
file format spec
ified by the
The Java Virtual Machine Specification
, this specification does not
mandate the use of any specific binary file format. Rather, it specifies properties
that any binary format for compiled types must obey. A number of these proper
ties are specifically chosen to support source code transformations that preserve
binary compatibility.
The requirements are:
Binary formats for Java programs must be defined and processed to respect
the specifications of loading ( 12.2), linking ( 12.3) and initialization ( 12.4)
of class and interface types.
A reference to another class or interface type must be symbolic, using the
fully qualified name of the type as determined at compile time.
A reference to a field of another class or interface must be resolved at compile
time to a symbolic reference to the class or interface in which the field is
declared, plus the simple name of the field. (Including the exact class or inter
face in which the field is declared makes the binaries more robust, since add
ing another field with the same name, even in a subclass, cannot cause
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