Load the Class
will typically start a Java Virtual Machine by invoking method
 of class
(a class in an unnamed package), passing it an array containing the four strings
, and
We now outline the steps the virtual machine may take to execute
, as an
example of the loading, linking, and initialization processes that are described fur 
ther in later sections.
12.1.1   Load the Class
The initial attempt to execute the method
 of class
 discovers that the
 is not loaded that is, that the virtual machine does not currently con 
tain a binary representation for this class. The virtual machine then uses a class
loader ( 20.14) to attempt to find such a binary representation. If this process
fails, then an error is thrown. This loading process is described further in  12.2.
12.1.2   Link
: Verify, Prepare, (Optionally) Resolve
 is loaded, it must be initialized before
 can be invoked. And
like all (class or interface) types, must be linked before it is initialized. Linking
involves verification, preparation and (optionally) resolution. Linking is described
further in  12.3.
Verification checks that the loaded representation of
 is well formed,
with a proper symbol table. Verification also checks that the code that implements
 obeys the semantic requirements of Java and the Java Virtual Machine. If a
problem is detected during verification, then an error is thrown. Verification is
described further in  12.3.1.
Preparation involves allocation of static storage and any data structures that
are used internally by the virtual machine, such as method tables. If a problem is
detected during preparation, then an error is thrown. Preparation is described fur 
ther in  12.3.2.
Resolution is the process of checking symbolic references from
 to other
classes and interfaces, by loading the other classes and interfaces that are men 
tioned and checking that the references are correct.
The resolution step is optional at the time of initial linkage. An implementa 
tion may resolve symbolic references from a class or interface that is being linked
very early, even to the point of resolving all symbolic references from the classes
and interfaces that are further referenced, recursively. (This resolution may result
in errors from these further loading and linking steps.) This implementation
choice represents one extreme and is similar to the kind of  static  linkage that
has been done for many years in simple implementations of the C language. (In
these implementations, a compiled program is typically represented as an






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