Casting Conversion
5.4   String Conversion
String conversion applies only to the operands of the binary
 operator when one
of the arguments is a
. In this single special case, the other argument to the
 is converted to a
, and a new
 which is the concatenation of the
two strings is the result of the
. String conversion is specified in detail within the
description of the string concatenation
 operator ( 15.17.1).
5.5   Casting Conversion
Sing away sorrow, cast away care.
 Miguel de Cervantes (1547 1616),
Don Quixote
 (Lockhart s translation), Chapter viii
Casting conversion
 is applied to the operand of a cast operator ( 15.15): the type
of the operand expression must be converted to the type explicitly named by the
cast operator. Casting contexts allow the use of an identity conversion ( 5.1.1), a
widening primitive conversion ( 5.1.2), a narrowing primitive conversion
( 5.1.3), a widening reference conversion ( 5.1.4), or a narrowing reference con 
version ( 5.1.5). Thus casting conversions are more inclusive than assignment or
method invocation conversions: a cast can do any permitted conversion other than
a string conversion.
Some casts can be proven incorrect at compile time; such casts result in a
compile time error.
A value of a primitive type can be cast to another primitive type by identity
conversion, if the types are the same, or by a widening primitive conversion or a
narrowing primitive conversion.
A value of a primitive type cannot be cast to a reference type by casting con 
version, nor can a value of a reference type be cast to a primitive type.
The remaining cases involve conversion between reference types. The
detailed rules for compile time correctness checking of a casting conversion of a
value of compile time reference type
 (source) to a compile time reference type
 (target) are as follows:






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