Variables of Primitive Type
Compatibility of the value of a variable with its type is guaranteed by the
design of the Java language. Default values are compatible ( 4.5.4) and all assign 
ments to a variable are checked for assignment compatibility ( 5.2), usually at
compile time, but, in a single case involving arrays, a run time check is made
( 10.10).
4.5.1   Variables of Primitive Type
A variable of a primitive type always holds a value of that exact primitive type.
4.5.2   Variables of Reference Type
A variable of reference type can hold either of the following:
A null reference
A reference to any object ( 4.3) whose class ( 4.5.5) is assignment compati 
ble ( 5.2) with the type of the variable
4.5.3   Kinds of Variables
There are seven kinds of variables:
1. A
class variable
 is a field declared using the keyword
 within a class
declaration (, or with or without the keyword
 within an inter 
face declaration ( 9.3). A class variable is created when its class or interface is
loaded ( 12.2) and is initialized to a default value ( 4.5.4). The class variable
effectively ceases to exist when its class or interface is unloaded ( 12.8), after
any necessary finalization of the class or interface ( 12.6) has been completed.
2. An
instance variable
 is a field declared within a class declaration without
using the keyword
 ( If a class
 has a field
 that is an
instance variable, then a new instance variable
 is created and initialized to a
default value ( 4.5.4) as part of each newly created object of class
 or of any
class that is a subclass of
 ( 8.1.3). The instance variable effectively ceases
to exist when the object of which it is a field is no longer referenced, after any
necessary finalization of the object ( 12.6) has been completed.
Array components
 are unnamed variables that are created and initialized to
default values ( 4.5.4) whenever a new object that is an array is created
( 15.9). The array components effectively cease to exist when the array is no
longer referenced. See  10 for a description of arrays.






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