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Section 6. Summary
This tutorial showed J2EE developers how to use XDoclet to speed development by
showing three step by step tutorials for using XDoclet.
XDoclet enables simplified continuous integration, and refactoring with
component oriented development using attribute oriented programming. XDoclet
allows you to radically reduce development time, by generating deployment descriptors
and support code, allowing you to focus on application logic code.
You learned how to use XDoclet with Servlets, Custom Tags, and EJB Session and
Entity beans.
XDoclet generates these related support files by parsing your source files similar to the
way the JavaDoc engine parses your source to create JavaDoc documentation.
XDoclet, like JavaDoc, not only has access to these extra tags that you added, but also
access to the structure of your source. XDoclet applies this hierarchy tree of data and
context to templates. It uses all of this to generate what would otherwise be
monotonous support files.
XDoclet speeds development by being less verbose than corresponding deployment
descriptors, by keeping the source in sync with the deployment descriptors and support
files which enable refactoring, and lastly by generating a metric ton of support files; in
the case of EJB one source to five generated files is not uncommon.
If you are new to EJB technology:
Check out Brett McLaughlin s
EJB best practices column
on developerWorks Java
technology zone.
Take the first tutorial in a series of five on
Introduction to container managed
persistence and relationships
(example code uses XDoclet) by Rick Hightower
, March 2002)
The Developer s Guide to Understanding EJB 2.0 (gain deeper understanding of the
If you are new to Custom Tags:
JSP taglibs: Better usability by design
, by Noel J. Bergman (
December 2001)
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Enhance J2EE component reuse with XDoclets






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