Presented by developerWorks, your source for great tutorials
that all of its children in the relationship are also deleted with the
target cascade delete
attribute. Notice that you also specified the
target role name. The attributes that start with target are really only needed for one
way relationships (unidirectional). Since this example is bi directional you could have
left this out. The multiplicity of the relationship is based on the return type of the getter
method in the cmr field. Since
returns a Collection, XDoclet infers that
the multiplicity of
is many.
No matter how flat a pancake is, its always got two sides just like an CMR relationship.
Here is the other side of the CMR relationship.
public abstract class EmployeeBean implements EntityBean {
* @return Return the group this user is in.
* @ejb.interface method view type="local"
* @ejb.transaction type="Required"
* @ejb.relation
role name="EmployeeInADept"
target role name="DeptHasEmployees"
public abstract Dept getDept();
/** @ejb.interface method view type="local" */
public abstract void setDept(Dept dept);
Again the target attribute is a little bit of extra information that is really only needed in
the case on a unidirection relationship, but it is here for good measure. Notice that the
Relationship name is the same as the relationship name on the Dept side of the
relationship. This is what XDoclet uses to correlated the two members of the
The above ejb.relation tags would generate the following entries in the deployment
Enhance J2EE component reuse with XDoclets
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