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Notice that only the getter method was exported to the local interface because only the
getter method had the XDoclet
tag associated with it.
XDoclet and EJB technology: ejb.relation tag
tag allows you to define a CMR relationship. The tag is fairly
straight forward as the attribute names match the corresponding element names really
closely in the EJB deployment descriptor.
The following example sets up a one to many relationship from the
to the
public abstract class DeptBean implements EntityBean {
* @return return employees in this department
* @ejb.interface method view type="local"
* @ejb.transaction type="Required"
* @ejb.relation
role name="DeptHasEmployees"
target role name="EmployeeInADept"
target cascade delete="no"
public abstract Collection getEmployees();
/** @ejb.interface method view type="local" */
public abstract void setEmployees(Collection collection);
Notice that the relationship is given a name. Then you describe the DeptBeans role in
the relationship. You could also specify that when an instance of this bean is deleted
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