Q: What do I do when Mailman wants UID 99 when getting 1?
A: Do the following:
1. edit httpd.conf
2. Make sure Group is set to nobody.
3. run /scripts/upcp that should rebuild mailman with the correct UID/GID.
/scripts/upcp should now detect this and fix it for you automatically.
1. Turn on SYN Cookies if built into the kernel.
2. echo 1 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp syncookies at boot time after the /proc file system has been mounted.
Q: How do I troubleshoot Perl scripts?
A: Do the following:
1. edit perl / cgi script at top of file #!/usr/bin/perl
2. Use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); errors should be redirected to browser rather then getting a 500
3. Also, check if the script runs on the command line perl w ./scriptname.cgi and see if it gives you errors.
Q: What do I do if subdomain logs are not getting processed?
A: Do the following:
1. rm f username/tmp/lastrun
2. killall 9 cpanellogd
3. /usr/local/cpanel/cpanellogd
Q: How do I stop a crontab?
Add /dev/null 2 &1 after the entry in the crontab.
Q: What do I do when MySQL gives error of access denied for root@localhost?
A: Make sure root pass is in /root/.my.cnf , this is usually the first root password the box was given when CPanel
was installed.
Q: How do I set the /etc/my.cnf file for sites with vbb forums that don't close connections, thus spawning 500
mysqld's and hogging all the RAM?
A: Do the following to mysqld:
set variable = max connections=1500
set variable = max user connections=200
set variable = wait timeout=200
set variable = interactive timeout=800
Q: What do I do if SpamAssassin is taking up a lot of memory and CPU?
A: The chances are the dbm database has gotten corrupted. Try this:
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