Chapter 13. Examples of I18N
display Japanese characters.
At first,
user ja conf
detects the environment. If it can display Japanese characters, go ahead.
If not, try to establish a new environment and invoke itself in it. If detection is failed, display
Japanese characters and ask the user whether he/she can read it.
13.3.3 Implementation
user ja conf
is a perl script. Here shows a function which check whether Japanese native
characters can be displayed or not and try to establish an environment where native characters
can be displayed, if not.
sub isNC($$)
$TTY = `/usr/bin/tty`;
$WHICH = '/usr/bin/which';
$THIS = $_[0];
$OPT = $_[1];
if ($TERM eq 'kon' || $TERM eq 'kterm') {
} elsif ($DISPLAY ne '' && system("$WHICH kterm >/dev/null")==0) {
exec("kterm km euc e $THIS $OPT");
} elsif ($DISPLAY ne '' && system("$WHICH krxvt >/dev/null")==0) {
exec("krxvt km euc e $THIS $OPT");
} else {
print STDERR &sourceset2displayset(
"Japanese sentence in Japanese characters 'Can you read this sentence?'\n");
print STDERR
"Japanese sentence in ASCII characters 'Can you read the above sentence written in Kanji? [y/N] ";
$a = <>;
if ($a =~ /y|Y/) {
} elsif ($TTY =~ m#/dev/tty[0 9]+#) {
print STDERR
"Japanese sentence in ASCII characters 'Shall I invoke \'KON\'? [Y/n] ";
$a = <>;
exec("kon e $THIS $OPT") if ($a !~ /n|N/);
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