Chapter 4. Coded Character Sets And Encodings in the World
  F=0x4d for CNS 11643 1992 Set 7 (Taiwan)
  and more
The complete list of these coded character set is found at International Register of Coded Character
Sets ( IR/
Control codes to 'invoke' one of G{0123} into GL or GR is determined as below.
  A control code to invoke G0 into GL is: (L)SO ((Locking) Shift Out)
  A control code to invoke G1 into GL is: (L)SO ((Locking) Shift In)
  A control code to invoke G2 into GL is: LS2 (Locking Shift 2)
  A control code to invoke G3 into GL is: LS3 (Locking Shift 3)
  A control code to invoke one character in G2 into GL is: SS2 (Single Shift 2)
  A control code to invoke one character in G3 into GL is: SS3 (Single Shift 3)
  A control code to invoke G1 into GR is: LS1R (Locking Shift 1 Right)
  A control code to invoke G2 into GR is: LS2R (Locking Shift 2 Right)
  A control code to invoke G3 into GR is: LS3R (Locking Shift 3 Right)
Note that a code in a character set invoked into GR is or ed with 0x80.
ISO 2022 also determines announcer code. For example, 'ESC 0x20 0x41' means 'Only G0 buffer
is used. G0 is already invoked into GL'. This simplify the coding system. Even this announcer can
be omitted if people who exchange data agree.
7bit version of ISO 2022 is a subset of 8bit version. It does not use C1 and GR.
Explanation on C0 and C1 is omitted here.
4.3.1 EUC (Extended Unix Code)
EUC is a CES which is a subset of 8bit version of ISO 2022 except for the usage of SS2 and SS3
code. Though these codes are used to invoke G2 and G3 into GL in ISO 2022, they are invoked
into GR in EUC. EUC JP, EUC KR, EUC CN, and EUC TW are widely used encodings which use






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