Chapter 10. Files
The scripts are not required to configure every possible option for the package, but only those
necessary to get the package running on a given system. Ideally the sysadmin should not have
to do any configuration other than that done (semi )automatically by the
A common practice is to create a script called
and have the package's
call it if and only if the configuration file does not already exist. In certain cases
it is useful for there to be an example or template file which the maintainer scripts use. Such
files should be in
(depending on whether
they are architecture independent or not). There should be symbolic links to them from
if they are examples, and should be perfectly ordinary
handled files (not configuration files).
These two styles of configuration file handling must not be mixed, for that way lies madness:
will ask about overwriting the file every time the package is upgraded.
10.7.4 Sharing configuration files
Packages which specify the same file as a
must be tagged as conflicting with each
other. (This is an instance of the general rule about not sharing files. Note that neither alter
natives nor diversions are likely to be appropriate in this case; in particular,
does not
handle diverted
s well.)
The maintainer scripts must not alter a
of any package, including the one the scripts
belong to.
If two or more packages use the same configuration file and it is reasonable for both to be in
stalled at the same time, one of these packages must be defined as owner of the configuration
file, i.e., it will be the package which handles that file as a configuration file. Other packages
that use the configuration file must depend on the owning package if they require the con
figuration file to operate. If the other package will use the configuration file if present, but is
capable of operating without it, no dependency need be declared.
If it is desirable for two or more related packages to share a configuration file and for all of
the related packages to be able to modify that configuration file, then the following should be
1 One of the related packages (the owning package) will manage the configuration file
with maintainer scripts as described in the previous section.
2 The owning package should also provide a program that the other packages may use to
modify the configuration file.
3 The related packages must use the provided program to make any desired modifications
to the configuration file. They should either depend on the core package to guaran
tee that the configuration modifier program is available or accept gracefully that they
cannot modify the configuration file if it is not. (This is in addition to the fact that the
configuration file may not even be present in the latter scenario.)
Sometimes it's appropriate to create a new package which provides the basic infrastructure
for the other packages and which manages the shared configuration files. (The
sgml base
package is a good example.)
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