Chapter 5. Control files and their fields
it out. In this case the original source archive on the distribution site must match exactly, byte
for byte, the original source archive which was used to generate the
file and diff which
are being uploaded.
A space separated list of bug report numbers that the upload governed by the .changes file
5.7 User defined fields
Additional user defined fields may be added to the source package control file. Such fields will
be ignored, and not copied to (for example) binary or source package control files or upload
control files.
If you wish to add additional unsupported fields to these output files you should use the
mechanism described here.
Fields in the main source control information file with names starting
, followed by one or
more of the letters
and a hyphen
, will be copied to the output files. Only the part of the
field name after the hyphen will be used in the output file. Where the letter
is used the field
will appear in binary package control files, where the letter
is used in source package control
files and where
is used in upload control (
) files.
For example, if the main source information control file contains the field
XBS Comment: I stand between the candle and the star.
then the binary and source package control files will contain the field
Comment: I stand between the candle and the star.
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