Symantec (Norton) support site:
McAfee support site:
Microsoft has complete instructions on how to disable the Internet Connection Firewall
built into some versions of Windows XP.
Conserve Local File Time feature doesn t work
properly when connected to Serv u FTP Server
When using CuteFTP (Home and Professional) to connect to Serv u, the "Conserve Local
File Time" feature doesn t work properly.
The MDTM command is supposed to be used for retrieving a file s time from the server.
However, CuteFTP and various other FTP clients use the MDTM command change (set) an
uploaded file s timestamp as well.
The official draft documenting the MDTM command (draft ietf ftpext mlst 16.txt) makes
no provisions for using the MDTM command to set the file time stamp, so various clients
and servers have ended up implementing the command differently.
The typical command syntax is MDTM YYYYMMDDHHMMSS FILENAME, where the
HHMMSS is either the client s actual local time zone, or in the case of some FTP clients,
GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time), which mimics the retrieve behavior of MDTM as
documented in section 2.3 of the afore mentioned IETF draft.
A couple servers, such as Serv u, have extended the MDTM command even further, adding
a time zone parameter to the end of the MDTM command, as follows: MDTM
CuteFTP does not support this proprietary [+ TZ] parameter. Also, CuteFTP sends the
local time for the HHMMSS portion of the MDTM command sequence, not the GMT time.
Unfortunately, Serv u (and potentially a couple other FTP servers) expect the time to be sent
in GMT, and automatically adjust the time for the file, causing it to be different than what
the client expected.
CuteFTP retrieves a listing. File time shows 8:55 AM:
rw rw rw 1 user group 20249 May 14 08:55
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