7.  Copy the connection log to a text file or e mail to assist in troubleshooting when 
contacting your FTP or Web service provider or the GlobalSCAPE support team. 
CuteFTP Professional supports SFTP, which is a secure service provided 
by the SSH2 host, in which the server both encrypts the data and handles 
the file transfer. This should not be confused with FTP over SSH2, in 
which the SSH2 uses port forwarding to forward standard FTP 
transactions over an encrypted tunnel, with the actual file transfer being 
handled by a separate (and non secure) FTP server 
Public key authentication 
To use public key authentication, you must send your public key to the server administrator 
before making an SSH2 connection. If the server is running OpenSSH, convert the public 
key as described below: 
1.  Create an identity file in the client. 
2.  Send the public key ( to the server administrator (via FTP, e mail, etc.) 
3.  The server administrator must convert the public key to OpenSSH, check it with 
wordcount, and add it to authorized_keys.  
Command sequence: 
ssh keygen  i  f > sshpub 
wc sshpub 
cat sshpub > ~\.ssh\authorized_keys 
Wordcount should return a "1" as the first number. OpenSSH is going to 
ask for the identity files password the first time you log in. If CuteFTP 
fails to connect, please contact our support team and provide the kernel 
version, OpenSSH build, and the CuteFTP Professional build number (to 
find that, choose Help > About from the menu.). 
Cannot create multiple connections to the same 
If CuteFTP Professional does not open new connections when you try to start new sessions, 
or if it does not let you browse while transferring files, you can force CuteFTP to open new 
1. Select 
Site Manager tab. 






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