Transfer Engine (SDK)
MySite.Host = "host"
MySite.Protocol = "FTPS"
MySite.ClearCommandChannel = true
< CCC will be sent
prior to the first data connection operation.
Configuration Notes
The default is false (encrypted), so only set this property if you wish to log in securely
but send subsequent commands in the clear.
This property will only work if the remote server supports SSL and clear command
channel connections (according to RFC 2228) and you have specified FTPS as the
protocol type.
Connecting through a proxy or SOCKS server
Use the UseProxy property to retrieve or set the value for the type of SOCKS or proxy
server that is being (or should be) used. Since OFF is the default, you don t need UseProxy
for regular connections which do not pass through proxy or SOCKS servers.
String Object.UseProxy
Direct connection without any socks and proxy
SOCKS server only the user must specify the SOCKS
"SOCKS" parameters by setting the SocksInfo property
Proxy server only the user must specify the proxy server
"PROXY" parameters by setting the ProxyInfo property
Use both SOCKS and proxy the user should specify the
"BOTH" appropriate information for both the proxy and the socks server
with ProxyInfo and SocksInfo.
Object.UseProxy = "SOCKS"
`specify that socks will be
used, then configure SocksInfo
Object.SocksInfo = "socks5://"
`Rest of connection code follows...
Setting and retrieving proxy server configurations
Use the ProxyInfo property to set or retrieve FTP and HTTP proxy server configurations.
Do not use this function if you do not connect through a proxy server.
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