CuteFTP Professional User s Guide
Use the Wait method to tell the Transfer Engine to hold all other tasks until a specific
asynchronous task is completed. Then continue with the rest of the script.
String Object.Wait (long taskIndex, long timeout)
This is the task index in the asynchronous tasks
array. The default = 1 (which is current task).
taskIndex It can range from 0 to the total number of tasks
minus one.
Determines how long (in milliseconds) to wait
for a finished, cancelled, or errored status
before continuing with the script.
Return value
"CANCELLED" Transfer was stopped by the user
Transfer was successfully finished
There were errors during the transfer
The transfer was skipped (file
overwrite rules)
Set MySite = CreateObject("CuteFTPPro.TEConnection")
`Initialize all necessary fields for MySite : host name,
user, password, etc.
strResult =
If (strResult = "ERROR") then
MsgBox "warning! An error has occurred!"
End if
Configuration Notes
The default timeout value for the Wait method is 21,805,184 milliseconds, or
approximately 6 hours.
The maximum possible value for timeout is 2,147,483,647 milliseconds, or just under
25 days.
You can set the Wait method to never timeout by using a timeout value of 0 (zero).
For hints on Wait method timeouts, see
Timeout strategies
Stopping transfers and other events
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