Integrated HTML Editor 
5. In 
Java scripts box, browse or type the path to the folder where you want to 
store Java scripts. 
6. Select 
The HTML Editor can automatically provide suggestions for HTML tags that work for 
specific browsers. The HTML Editor offers HTML tag choices in drop down boxes.  These 
are called tag tips.   
To show tag tips 
1.  From the menu, choose Tools > Global Options. 
2. Expand 
Helper Applications and HTML Editor. 
3. Select 
Tag tips. 
4. Select 
Show tag tips check box. 
Clear the Show tag tips check box to keep tag tips hidden. 
5. Select 
OK or Apply. 
The tags shown in the tag tip drop down boxes are controlled by the primary and secondary 
browsers you choose. 
To display only tag tips that apply to certain browsers 
1.  From the menu, choose Tools > Global Options. 
2. Expand 
Helper Applications and HTML Editor. 
3. Select Tag tips. 
4.  Select your first browser choice from the top list, First primary browser tags. 
5.  Select your second browser choice from the next list, Second primary browser 
6.  Select your third browser choice from the list Secondary browser tags. 
7.  Select a color for tag tips that apply only to the third browser choice in Secondary 
browser color. 
8. Select 
OK or Apply. 
When more than one primary browser is selected, the tag tips in the drop down that are 
common to both browsers display in black. This enables you to code for two types of 
browsers, such as Netscape and IE, or two versions of the same browser. 
If you want to code for IE 5.0, but conserve backwards compatibility with 4.0, then choose 
5.0 and 4.0 as the two primary browsers. Tags in common to both are available in the tag 
tips box. Newer 5.0 tags that didn t exist in 4.0 don t even appear, which helps you code your 
HTML without having to worry about which tags may be supported or not. 
Choosing a secondary browser lets you see ALL the tags for a certain browser in a different 
color. In the example above, if you wanted to code for IE 4.0 and 5.0 but add certain tags 
from OPERA, you would select OPERA as the secondary browser. When you saw a colored 






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